ppf_moke documentation#

This project is a small python library for controlling the hardware of a magneto-optics setup in an advanced lab excercise at the institute of physics and astronomy. The experiment is located in house 28 room 1.068 on the campus Golm of the University of Potsdam.

It is part of the advanced lab course curriculum called PPF (Physikalisches Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene).

The goal for the students is to assemble a magneto-optics setup and to carry out a reference measurement of the out-of-plane and in-plane hysteresis in a polar and longitudinal moke configuration. The experiment aims to provide a hands on experience with magneto-optical components, an introduction to polarization optics and (if desired) to steering experiments with Python. The corresponding Gitlab project page can be found at https://gitup.uni-potsdam.de/reppert/moke

The raw setup with the given components looks like this:

sketch of the raw setup and list of the provided opto-mechanical components


This small python library contains different modules (one for each hardware device).

measurement programs#

In the data directory measurement_gui you can find python programs with graphic user interfaces that allow to interact with the hardware. To run them you have to have the ppf_moke module in your python search path. For a brief description of each program click on the links below:

visualization tools#

In visualization_gui you can find a program that allows to visualize the polarization state and the jones matrix formalism.


This project is under active development. The corresponding Gitlab project page can be found at https://gitup.uni-potsdam.de/reppert/moke

indices and tables#